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City of Huntsville

308 Fountain Circle Southwest, Huntsville, AL, 35801, US


Business License Application

Please apply online by visiting:

To apply in person, fill out the following pdf fillable form to be printed and hand-delivered to the dropbox in the lobby at 320 Fountain Circle, Huntsville AL 35801.

If you have any questions about the above instructions or fee calculations, please call 256-427-5088.
Please check that you agree before continuing.
By continuing I agree that I understand that I must print and hand-deliver the following form in order to complete my Business License Application.

Create Your Signature

Please fill in your name and email and then either draw or type your signature below.


Signature Type

Type Draw Upload Custom
Clear Signature

Signature will be applied to the page. You will have a chance to review after signing.

Check this box to continue


Additional Signatures Required