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City of Huntsville

308 Fountain Circle Southwest, Huntsville, AL, 35801, US


General Business Application

Section 1: Applicant Information

Are you a US Citizen or legal immigrant?

Are you a US Citizen or legal immigrant?

Are you a US Citizen or legal immigrant?

Mailing Address

Attach Certificate of Incorporation/Formation

Click Here to Upload

Attach Certificate of Incorporation/Formation

Click Here to Upload

Upload Copy of State Issued ID (Both Partners)

Click Here to Upload

Upload Copy of State Issued ID (Both Partners)

Click Here to Upload

Upload Copy of State Issued ID (Both Partners)

Click Here to Upload

Please upload one of the following documens: Copy of IRS Form W-9, IRS SS-4 Confirmation Letter or IRS Letter 147c

Click Here to Upload

Certain businesses are required to upload a State Regulatory Permit/Certificate. Find out more here

Upload State Regulatory Permit/Certificate, if applicable

Click Here to Upload

Did you purchase an existing business?

When did you purchase the business?

Date Picker

Were only assets/inventory purchase?

Seller's Mailing Address

Person(s) authorized to answer questions regarding business application information: 

Contact Name

Is anyone else authorized to answer questions?

Second Contact Name

Section 2: Business Description

Section 3: Owner/Officer Information

List the following for owner(s), member(s), partners or officers 

1) Owner Officer Name


Do you have a second owner/officer to add?

2) Owner/Officer Name


Do you have a third owner/officer to add?

3) Owner/Officer Name


Do you have a fourth owner/officer to add?

4) Owner/Officer Name


Do you have a fifth owner/officer to add?

5) Owner/Officer Name


Section 4: Location Address (physical location within Huntsville limits)

Unless a municipal business license fee is a flat rate or state-regulated, the measure of a municipal business license fee is based on gross receipts for the previous calendar year. Gross receipts for the first year of operation within the municipality is estimated by the taxpayer through December 31 of the first year. If the actual gross receipts for the first year are more or less than the estimate, the license fee will be adjusted for the following license year. 

NOTE: A separate application is required for each physical location within the City. 

Is your business located in Huntsville City limits?

Location Address

Location Address

To learn how to find your NAICS code click here

*Secondary NAICS Code is required only if the gross receipts are greater than 10% of the gross receipts of the primary business. 

Do you have secondary NAICS where gross receipts are more than 10% of the primary NAICS code?

Tax Collection Survey (check all that apply)

Section 5: Zoning and/or Building Code Information

Based on the physical location and type of business activity conducted within the city, other departments may require inspection of the proposed location before a license is issued. The approval process typically takes up to 10 (ten) business days. 

Remodeling or Construction

Sales consummated at location address

Product or merchandise stored at the location address

Section 6: Authorized Signature

Form must be signed by the owner, officer, member or other duly authorized person. 

This application has been examined by me and is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and complete representation of the above-named entity, and person(s) listed. Applications will not be accepted without required documentation. 

Sign Here

Choose how to sign

Upon receipt of the completed form and required documents, the person named on the front of this form will be contacted regarding other specific requirements or additional information needed to complete the application process. The completion and submission of this form does not guarantee the approval or subsequent issuance of a license to conduct business. Any prerequisites for a particular type and location of the business must be satisfied prior to licensing. Upon approval of the application, you will be notified of the license fee due. If the application is disapproved, you will be notified of the decision and appropriate appeal rights.  



License Classification: _________________________________


Tax Type Req: ________________________________________


License Fee: _________________________________________


OTF: _______________________________________________             

TAX REM: __________________________________________