308 Fountain Circle Southwest, Huntsville, AL, 35801, US
Complete applicable section(s) of this form to update information for an existing business account with the City of Huntsville.
If a business intends to change a physical location within the municipality, a New Business Application form must be submitted prior to change of location.
What updates are you making to your account?
Mailing Address
Effective Date
Has the Federal ID Number changed?
Attach Certificate of Authority or Amendment from the Secretary of State as verification.
Has the business’ mailing address or point of contact changed? (for receiving correspondence from the City of Huntsville)
Please indicate if the change is this update for license or tax correspondence.
New Mailing Address
Please select type of closure:
Has the business referenced in Section 1 closed or discontinued operations in Huntsville?
Have all locations associated with this business account closed?
If more than four locations have closed, please complete separate forms or check the box to close all locations.
Location 1 Address
Location 2 Address
Location 3 Address
Location 4 Address
Was the business sold?
Date of Sale:
Purchaser Name
Purchaser Address
Tax Type Information
Tax returns are required monthly for the first year of business. A subsequent change in filing frequency will be approved based on the tax type and tax liability thresholds.
Filing Frequency
This application has been examined by me and is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and complete representation of the above-named entity, and person(s) listed.
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